Tuesday, January 20, 2009

20th January 2009, Cannes, Southern France

Tonight Cannes seemed to be very clam and beautiful, especially it's close to the last day of the Event.

1. Me and my colleague on the beach road with all the famous hotels. 2. I need to walk back and forth among the hotel Carlton, Majestic, Gray D'Albion, Grand Hotel, Martinez and the Palais almost 10 times a day. The culture for setting up meetings is in an every 30 minute interval and I would normally have around 14 to 16 meetings a day for 4 days here. It's about 1km and 1.5km among all these hotels. So that means I walked or sometimes ran for about 10km in total in a day. What a good exercise for me and get my stomach ready for a big big French meal to make it up.

3. A sunny day in contrast to the rainy day of yesterday. 4. Quite unusual to see such big wave on the beach of Cannes.

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