Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Andaman sunset on Natai beach, Phang Nga, Thailand

My camera got lighter when I took all these photos, as I was already up in the cloud drifting away at such a picturesque sunset.  The colour keeps changing every second.  As the sun goes down, the sky, the sea and the cloud turn so vivid.  Such a beautiful Andaman sunset.


pixmation said...

What a lovely collection of sunset photos!

Stella said...

This is so spectacular.
At first I thought there was a big fire.
What is nice sunset view to mingle the sky, the sea and the cloud into a nice picture.
A lot better than the Sunset on Sunset Boulevard or Santa Monica Beach.

in the sea said...

Thanks. Again, that's really thanks to the massive moisture of Andaman sea, which makes the sunset so vivid.