After having quite a lot of famous Korean food, I was brought to this home cooking restaurant called Mama's kitchen. Certianly, Mama is still so busy with preparing such a variety of food. So please salute to all the mothers in this World, with "謝謝 (Chinese)", "thank you", "kum sa mi da (Korean)", "Khor Khun Krup/Ka (Thai)", "Terrimagazin (Malay)", "Guen Ung (Vietnamese)", "Merci (French)", "Arigatou (Japanese)".....
About the dishes, they have "Yellow Flower" fish. Sorry I don't know the English name of that fish but we call it "Yellow Flower" in Chinese. They half marinate the fish with some salt, like the my Grandmom used to do the same and we call that as "salty fresh". So you don't need to get any seasoning. Then 2nd one - I think for those who have tried Korean food should have tried this one - glass noodle. For the 3rd one, I am a bit impressed. It's kind like in between the Cantonese roast pork and the Sichuan boil pork, but they eat it together with Kimchi. The 4th one is to entertain your eyes - see how busy the Korean mama is. The last one reminds me of some dish in Beijing - kind of a chewy cake with vegetable. Again, the Korean cuisine is with a lot of vegetable, which is really good for health.