1. Don Sum, Wong Kei with pork soup 黨參北芪. This soup makes me quite drowsy every time I drink it. It's good for my stomach I guess. The soup tends to be warming up your body. I kind of like the taste of this combination. So the best to make this soup is to use the lean pork but this time I added some lean spare ribs to make it even more tasty, though spare rib is said to be "hot" character.
2. Kai Lan stir fried with beef (grand mom style). Why grand mom style? I slightly shimmered it a bit and as you can notice the "yellow" on the veggie. So again the beef needs to be massage well so not as to make grand mom chew too much.

3. Old and Young be blessed (老少平安), as Tofu and fish paste patty (豆腐鯪魚肉). The name of this dish is quite interesting but it does mean a way for the old and the young kids to eat this one without trouble as it's very soft and nutritious (but not good for those old people who have protein problem). So my preference for this dish is to use 1 portion of tofu and 1 portion of fish paste. Then I would put some corn starch, very slight sea salt, quite a plenty of sesame oil, some white pepper powder (but if there are some kids, use less). A few drop (or less than 1/2 table spoon) of soy sauce. Also some chopped scallion or parsley (depends which one you prefer.). Then put more cooking oil in it. I would put at least 1 to 1.5 soup spoon as this way it would give it a nice tender texture. Then clean your hand thouroughly and squeeze and stir it until you can't see the tofu or at least the tofu is squeezed into very tiny bits. Normally it takes 5 minutes for this squeezing and stirring process. Then flatten it on a plate. Steam it for 10 minutes at medium heat. When it's about 9.5 minutes done, sprinkle few more chopped scallion and cover it for the final 30 second steaming.
This soup may be too strong(hot) for young guy like you. Next time you may try to add one "white fungus" to balance. White fungus is good for the skin too. That is the ingredient I added if the soup is planned to include Chris.
I like the way you cook the Kai Lan with Beef easy for grandma to chew. Will try this one.
Yes, but I haven't taken it for a few years; so it's ok for me and I put some dates in it.
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