Monday, August 4, 2008

Peach from Beijing

In every summer, I would eat one peach from Beijing a day, sometimes two peaches. They are so juicy and sweet and also cheap (from HK$3-6, US$0.4 - 0.8). This peach's season is actually August. So now it's the month! With this in my eyes, the summer would never be too hot to me. See the pink color of it and you know why this peach is called 3,000 years of growing in heaven's place.


Yai said...

So I will get 2 Beijing peach from you next week?


Thailand Club said...

maybe u shall let them guess where is the peach from, and the winner get 2 peaches as the prize

Stella said...

OK OK. My guess is the white peach is from Beijing.
Can we have more challenging guess games, at least like that "apple custard" ice cream thing?

in the sea said...

har... but most HK people know peaches found in HK are 99% from Beijing.

in the sea said...

By the way, carrying this peach on flight is not good, cos it will rotten quickly under different temperature. I did that from a Beijing friend sending to a HK friend. Besides, I don't like carrying fruits, meat, or any items which are not stable. That will affect the people who take those if the quality can't be maintained. So better leave a good imagination than a poor impression.