Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My dream for remote control toys

When HK was in the change for manufacturing business in the 60's and 70's, almost every family had some factory outsourcing work, like making plastic flower, plastic jewel, gloves..etc. I was very lucky to get the most-profitable work thru' my aunt - making watch's metallic strap. In just a few weeks, I could make around HK$60-70 (about 2 hours a day) (as compared to making plastic flower for HK$20-30 on the same working hour).

So in a few months, I had HK$180 and there I got my first remote car. Actually I was hoping for a speed boat, but it's too expensive back then. On and off, even after I worked in the first few years, having remote control toys was still difficult. There have been something I often thought about, e.g. helicopter, submarine and a speed boat.

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