那年日軍佔領香港, 她的丈夫給擄去了海南島, 當時海南島一片荒涼, 那等同買了一張單程票給他….
惶恐炮火下, 帶著六個小孩, 她誓要堅毅勇敢把持著這頭家, 一個都不能少!
惶恐炮火下, 帶著六個小孩, 她誓要堅毅勇敢把持著這頭家, 一個都不能少!
無奈日子冷冷地沉下去. 孩子在捱餓. 怎樣頑強, 還是要向現實低頭. 甚至犯險搖著破爛舢舨, 黑夜裡從筲箕灣搖了十數里到赤柱日軍糧倉, 風高浪急, 還有日軍海上監視, 不容有失敏捷地抬走一袋一袋米. 畢竟只可走一趟, 糧倉隨後加強保安.
月伏月, 孩子愈漸消瘦, 難以下決定還是要為他們打算. 只有一個選擇, 也是戰時很多窮苦人家最難下的決定 – 賣孩子. 打量孩子們, 要到寄人籬下的家庭生活, 她一定要有強頑性格. 就這樣挑了一個, 數月後又另一個, 再一個….. 在送走女兒的每一次, 刀割心腸地狠狠對著女兒說不要她, 好讓女兒頭也不回就走, 過她的新生活. 到最後只剩一女一男. 看著男孩的眼睛, 也看到丈夫眼睛一樣的神采, 就容許自己有點貪念, 留下他吧.
可惜炮火歲月沒完沒了, 就連山頭上樹皮也給吃光, 戰火下的屍骸, 巳漸漸夾雜著活活餓死的.
雖然萬事不如意, 當中也有一點幸運. 在這最絕困難關時, 她們遇上一對宅心仁厚的夫婦. 終於有溫飽. 她敦促兒女要緊記這兩位大恩人, 當中兒子深受影響, 更將這施恩發揚光大, 沒想到也是兒子將來與人極端分享的人生理念. 說得貼切一點 “派街坊”, 竟然成為她與兒子常常吵鬧的原因.
光復後, 她却沒主動去找回那些賣了的女兒, 在她眼裡, 能知道她們活著巳經是天賜, 在那裡? 不相干.
奈何, 女兒她們相互尋回對方, 血濃於水.
年伏年, 當中兩個賣了的女兒仍放不下心中的怨恨, 她不作任何辨識, 說回頭, 有何用? 有溫飽巳經心滿意足, 不要無病呻吟, 這也是她常常對著自己孫兒的教誨, 及後她更教導她的孫兒, 飯碗不能剩下一粒飯, 還有要將當時家裡飼養的家禽給吃後剩下的骨頭, 往附近山上埋下黃土, 從自然界取, 也須還給自然界, 尊敬萬物. 其中的一個孫兒想了很多十年, 最後想通了這個萬物理念, 今天要對他的祖母說一聲謝.
可知道祖母早已去了海南島, 與別了的丈夫看著海南島有多繁榮, 偶爾托著西南信風問問這個極端溫飽的孫兒 “文華東方, 梲榕山莊也來了, 何時來看看這個比海還要更南的島?”

*姑母每次到訪赤柱, 緊握手心, 娓娓道著當年她母親從日軍糧倉偷米時的險象還生。如今赤柱巳成為不少人的安樂窩。一貶眼,巳過了70年。每一位孫兒現在很溫飽.
孫兒此時回道 “我們原是水上人,四海為家,他朝信風再起時,往南走一走,靠西邊遠飄,後會有期.” 別掛心。
What a touching story.
What a unique grand ma. She was wise, she was tough, and she was so environmental.
This is better than Jade Channel as it is a real story.
Thank you for the sharing SEA.
P.S. Your Chinese writing is very good.
Thanks Stella. I tried to write some wording as Grand ma said like "不相干"... When i first met my Malay Chinese friends, they spoke 70% like my grand ma. There are lots of story from my grand ma, like how she called dolphin as 烏忌 and China's white dolphin as 白忌. The fishermen don't like dolphin. It's not of any good luck.
Guess I need to go up to the hillside of Shaukiwan. I wanna pick up some edible flower's honey, bamboo baby green and plant fruits, or take some photos. Since my father gave away all his earnings, our childhood's hobby is to spend time on the hillside and very National Geographic style. We were taught to differentiate what flower/plant to eat. In fact, the happiest time is those "money free" time.
I think it is good to tell more stories about your grandma as they are very educational and encouraging. If your grandma with 5 kids can survive, all of us shall try our best to live our life the fullest.
Treasure what we have, forget about what we don't have, and get the most out of every situation.
True that we shall not say money is not important. True that money can buy happiness sometimes. However, money is not the only way for happiness.
A nice walk at the beach or shopping mall, some laughter at comic books or movies, some nice chat/email/gathering with good friends, listening to good music, watching a good movie, eating some good food, reading your blog and TC's, all these don't cost that much money but still bring us enjoyment and happiness.
But of course we have to admit we all need enough money to survive.
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