On the weather forecast, there is a heavy snow storm approaching. The temperature dropped to minus 8 but feels like minus 14 (with wind chill and humidity at 90%). Finally my 550D was very slow in response. My d-lux 3 was auto-turned on and off. Anyway, I put my d-lux 3 inside my coat and just took it out for some quick snap shots. Found out my thumb got cut without my awareness a few days ago since my fingers were almost frozen. Eyes got red and with some headache. However, it's still worth seeing and feeling the power of the Nature.
1/2. the street scene.
3/4. this family was playing with snow. The kid made a mini ice castle and hid himself into it. The girl smiled to me when she noticed I was taking a photo of them.
5. Quite a lot of people wear masks and seems like a flu trend is quite serious here.
6-8. getting tough.
9. Just in time to capture a mini snow slide when the man walked by it.
10. Trees in much snow.
11/12. frozen vehicles.
13/14. Odori park was covered with about 2-3 feet snow.
15. Another snow wall.
16. Back to the hotel room and found out ice on the inner part of the window.

I thought this winter LA was bad due to heavy rain but now I think LA is good compared to this.
happy white new year holiday ..
Stella, sometimes something unwanted would have its good benefits. The heavy snow covering the soil would make the soil rest much better and so when the spring comes, when the seeds are sowed, some rich harvest would be had due to rich soil. That's why the fruits and red beans in Hokkaido are so good. So when we eat those things, we need to be thankful for this snow.
You are right SEA, there can be some good things out of the bad.
Always two sides of the sword.
Just like the heavy rain in LA during Dec brought us enough water the same time it caused us traffic jam.
So we shouldn't blame the "sky" too much.
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