Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Bak Kuk Teh (spare rib soup), Little Hong Kong, the Street Ratchda, BKK

It's hard to find a decent Bak Kuk Teh (spare rib soup) in BKK.  Most of them are either too bland or just soy sauce seasoned.  This one is a bit closer to the Malay version, though it's a giant size for 2 persons.  One common flaw is the chilled or frozen spare ribs being used.  When cooking some dishes like this one or steamed pork/spare ribs, it's still the best to choose live cut from butcher's table.  


M.D.S. said...

ar, you tried this one. her dry-fried flat rice noodles with beef is pretty okay (Bkk standard) too.

in the sea said...

Thanks. Will try that next time.