Monday, September 10, 2018

A golden purple toilet brush

I usually don't buy stuff like this since it's a bit too colourful and flamboyant, and yet the price wouldn't be justified for me to pay for it.  However, as this one was on a bargain sale with 80% discount, my mode would change to take it.  Then some may say "wouldn't it be too showing-off?".  Now that's the point - if I tell the others I bought it at US$200 and even emphasized I wouldn't buy stuff less than that price, then that's a show-off.  This time I happily share with the others that I bought this at such a cheap price and wouldn't care about the look.  Sometimes when we say we discriminate the others because of their inferior status, then we would also fall into the mode of discriminating things or persons in a superior or premium status. Simply do whatever we feel like, rather than living under the others' comments or the social forums.  

1 comment:

M.D.S. said...

Wow OMG, 太靓啦。係唔係可以用支無印同你哋換到呢支刷刷。我知,你話彩我都癲嘅。^_^