Sunday, June 14, 2020

Ichigen ramen shop, Central and Wanchai, HK

This ramen shop originates from Susukino of Sapporo.  Their signature shrimp soup noodle is the only item they offer - a very unique Japanese way of specializing in one cooking to serve.  It's surprising to see 3 big branches they landed in HK, in Central, Wanchai and Tsim Sha Tsui.  The soup base was quite impressive but I couldn't take too much of it due to potential allergy from shrimp's head.
I somehow think of the Filipino crew of CX.  She was so excited to talk about this noodle soup and enjoyed so much a hearty hot soup in Hokkaido.  Wish that she is doing well and safe during this hardest hit to the travel industry, as well as all others to make it thru'...

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