Friday, July 16, 2010


她快樂嗎? 要看他快樂不..........


Anonymous said...

be strong, Sea!

Paranoid Android said...

Mmmm... I could not understand the post, so I google translated it, but still the meaning is obscure but sounds rather sad.

Whatever it is, stay strong, stay calm and focused.

in the sea said...

Thanks. Yes, it's a sad sad story about my best friend but just in our paths of life in the latter years, we split and didn't see each other's much. I went to his funeral just and got to see his mom. I would rather feel much sadder for his mom. Her kid got a liver problem when we were in high school. All along in his life, his mom. gave the best to him since she thought it's her fault in not giving a good healthy body to his kid. However, the best made him not be receptive to other low quality of daily living. That'd be the main factor we split when I didn't agree to this way of life.

Stella said...

Sorry to hear about this shocking news. You must have a sad weekend.
I guess lots of mixed feeling from you on all the good time and bad time about your friend.
This is really sad. We will feel sad together with you.
Admit all your sadness and sorrow, let it out, and then let time to cure.
Your friend will understand and get your message in another place.
Love is in the air.
Love is everywhere.
Love is in the heart.