Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A family journey to Europe - 1st stop Milan

At the courtesy of my sister, I'd like to share some of the photos taken by her and her daughter at their recent family trip to Europe. Photo 1/2. Taken 4-5 hours after take-off. This area should be at the border of North West of China. It'd be at around 3-4am and the summer sun light was already there. 3/4. Landing Milan Airport. Miss this place so much. Check the mountain range which is very close to the border of Switzerland and the mountain is still with some snow on the top. 5. Duomo - Milan big church. See that blue sky. I didn't change anything on the photo. It's straight out of the camera and the setting was F11 at 1/320 seconds.


Mickey Mouse said...

blue sky blue, this is beautiful

sad that HK now doesn't c the sky at all .. :(

Stella said...

Nice pictures,
So Daphne and Nicole took these photos?
I almost thought SEA took them.

in the sea said...

Yes, it's amazingly blue. It's Nikki and her daughter Mandy taking all these nice photos.

Stella said...

Nikki and Mandy take very very good pictures. If you did not say it I thought they are taken by you.
So your whole family have the photo taking genes.(I remember little Jason took good photos too.)

in the sea said...

Jason and Mandy are good at taking photos.