This hotel is in the prime location of Tsimshatui and at peak season, the room rate can be over US$400-500 (city view), and 600-700 for sea view. Off season, the room rate can still be at around US$300-500. The room is considered spacious (HK standard) of around 25 sq. feet and maintained at a satisfactory level of cleanliness and facility. The cafe is not bad but the Chinese restaurant Celestial Court 天寶閣 is fading, but the steakhouse Morton's is still worth trying. Swimming Pool is on the rooftop (as posted earlier with a gym outsourced to Fitness First for management, with a panoramic view to the harbour and Central skyline.

for safety reason, hotel's room shall not use a glass table .. but if it doesn't break, it is one of the most durable materials indeed, and easy to clean though ..
Wow expensive hotel and not as big as those in BKK.
Are staying in the hotel even in HK Sea?
It is also one of things that caught my attention - glass table.
SS, someone already asked me why I posted a photo of a bathroom showing a sign "Wet Floor". Guess why I could be here? Why such a sign was there? It's related... :)
OK. I guess you come here to rescue your friend who was impacted by the wet floor either by taking him to your home, or bringing him some stuffs that he needs.
har.. rescue? I should have called the ambulance instead. :)
Actually I came to the gym of this hotel and they were renovating their gym's changing room. So temporarily they had some rooms as changing rooms and shower. So the wet floor sign is for the people to be careful as the bath room is quite frequently used.
Oh I see.
Good that you came here to show us some nice photos.
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