Saturday, July 13, 2013

Summer dinner set, Maxim's Palace restaurant, Tai Koo Shing HK

There are several credit cards that we should have in our wallets, e.g. HSBC, Citibank, AE, Hang Seng and Bank of China.  Standard Chartered and DBS(Compass) can be on the second list.  Maxim's has a summer special dinner set with Bank of China credit card for 15% off.  This menu (on weekend) is about HK$1,280 for 6 persons and HK$2,480 for 12.  After discount, it's about HK$1,100 for 6 persons net (covering all the tea and service... charges).  On weekday, it's even cheaper at just around HK$1,000 for 6 persons.  The portion is very big enough and in fact good for 7-8 persons.  Amazed that some expensive dishes are included, like lobster on e-fu noodle and steamed garoupa.  Taste-wise, all are pretty good and above average.  I like the steamed chicken with ginger and scallion (photo 1).  A fresh chicken was used.  Once again, paying around HK$200 for this nutritious meal is much better than paying HK$400-500 for a dinner buffet.  That's what I often suggested taking this kind of dinner set instead of buffet. 


Stella said...

$25 US per person with lobster and steamed fish is a good deal.
The "Chung Yau" Chicken looks good too.
What is the dish in 2nd photo?
The dessert also looks good with a fish design.
You must have brought your cat too as the fish was so nicely eaten with bone left so neatly.

in the sea said...

The 2nd photo is the mashed winter melon seafood soup. So good as a summer soup.
The fish - it's my 90% environmental way of consuming a fish. The 10% goes to the fish head being left.

Stella said...

Thank you Sea for the note.
So you are the cat who cleaned up the fish. Good cat.
I also made Winter Melon soup last night with some left over salty chicken bone, one salty duck egg, some mushroom and some dried scallop.
Good to make soup including the skin as it will get rid of the "hot".

in the sea said...

This is something good from what I was taught by my grand ma for finishing everything on the plate. Not even a single rice on the bowl either.

Stella said...

Cleaning up the plate is very good habit.