Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tropical pool villa, Naka Island, Phuket

This resort used to be a Six Sense resort called Six Sense Destination, on an island called Naka, about 5 minutes by speed boat from Grand Marina Ao Po (the eastern Phuket).  When it was run by Six Sense, the pool villa room rate is rocket high to about US$700-800.  Back then the resort wasn't too well run.  When it changed to the Luxury Collection brand of Starwood, the room rate is reduced to US$300-400.  Most of all, the facilities were far much improved, and the gardening is well maintained.  As I take my EDM card's benefit, I could get a discount room rate on vouchers at just US$160.  Most of all, the front desk has put me to a room with some sea view on a higher level, saving quite much from not bothering to pay for an upgrade.
The room is far beyond my expectation - spacious (about 480 square m.), nice gardening and amazing that a steam room is there.  Though the bath room and toilet is open air, it is free from bugs.


Stella said...

I heard Six Senses Hotel from T&L Magazine before; very high end resort hotel in Phuket.
$700 US is too much but worth it for $300-$400 US range though.

in the sea said...

Yes, Six Senses really know how to make money out of the rich and/or those who claim to go back to "raw" living. After this trying, I realized why it's so expensive. It's really hard to find the worst workers to build the villa. So their time cost is counted for spending a hard time to find them. The interior isn't with any partition ceiling. The wood used is of some very low quality. Most of all, some very cheap dried plants were used to build on the roof top. Turned out such raised many various bugs. Every morning I had to swipe the bugs' shit. I also found out many baby caterpillars and centipedes. I got a bite by an inch long centipede and it hurt all day long with heart beating fast.

Stella said...

Har no kidding?
So you need to pay quite some money to clean for the shit and meet some little creatures huh.
OK, it costs more for rare and scarce things I guess.

in the sea said...

Yes, for those city people, you need to "pay" to get bugs' shit.

Stella said...

Yes, just like people need to pay a lot for some "cat shit"(coffee) too.