Wednesday, February 18, 2015

On the way to Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan.

I enjoy the train ride from Sapporo to Otaru, as I can watch the bay area of the North West Hokkaido.  It looks like it's a place not easily found on Earth, probably under my strong impression with the movie "The contact" (by Jodie Foster) which told about a 2nd tele-pod on a plan B built around this area - a pod to travel to visit another extra-terristrial intelligence.
Otaru is often very gloomy at winter time, that further added more mystery to this area.


Stella said...

The snow is so pretty.

Happy New Year to you amd Mr.HK.
Best wishes in Year of the Ram.

We are now one year apart at this point in time.


in the sea said...

I am supposed to be a pigeon to deliver message. :) You are greeted to the same...

Stella said...

Thank you Sea and Mr HK.