Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Do you remember where this shop is?

It's not a guessing game, but a casual chat for where this shop is. I think it's been there for more than 4 decades, and they only serve one herbal tea. That's it.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I know. It's in Wanchai Chun Yuen Street, very close to the famous milk tea restaurant Kam Fung. You should introduce Kam Fung milk tea and egg tart if you can. Too many people go there at 3pm for egg tart.


Anonymous said...

Kam Fung's milk tea is good, and their 菠蘿油. Should report this one.

in the sea said...

Ok, will try to see if I will be able to visit Kam Fung again. My stomach can't take that strong milk tea... :(