The first time I stepped in this Forbidden City. My first impression - Big. It isn't a glamourous place to me and in fact those royal palaces shown in the HK TV dramas are much more glamourous. The answer is simple - this late Ching's palace was robbed, and in the history by the 8 united nations. Those royal treasures were robbed and now kept by various rich giants in the west. We have occasionally seen some auctions of all those treasures in places of those 8 nations. Sadly in the past 100 years, the owner country of all those treasures sent their secret agents to desperately place a bid to get them back. If the owner of those treasures was that "super-hero" country, the solution to this issue would be clear - WAR.
Those joint 8-nation who robbed China 110 years ago, now all of them have financial problem in their countries, and their ppl are as lazy as worm. God see this, China blessed, wealth is switching back to China, sooner or later those who robbed during Ching dynasty of China shall pay for the sin in the Judgement day, or sooner!
Wealth that do not belong to ours are never ours.
Thanks Anonymous. It's very true and well said. When people get rich not because of their hardship, they would get lazy. History repeats itself at all times.
Why we study history is to learn from these, but human is an interesting living thing. They don't or they fall into a trap of self-deceit.
That's why some rich people (yes, some or few) pretend they are not rich and send their kids to some common class school and to learn living is made on their own hands.
anonymous 10:22 has a point ..
When their people can buy gun so easy, war is nothing to them.
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