Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Arrive in style - at Kurumba Maldives

Thought about staying at this resort for quite many times as it has been quite a talk of the travel forums.  When I was greeted by their staff at the Male Airport and then got escorted to the boat, I found it quite something....  When I stepped inside the boat, I gave it a "wow".  What's more, on the return boat ride, we were the only 2 who got on the boat too.  So exclusive!


Stella said...

Wow private boat just for the two of you; what a good life.

in the sea said...

Most of all, it's a luxury yacht I should say, as compared to other resorts which just have some common speed boats though not bad.

Stella said...

Yes I am very impressed by this place and its hotels and the amenities.