Thursday, December 25, 2014

Some scenes at Meeru Maldives

Photo 1: something from the bathrobe can be used in this way.  I saw some taking a rope around their body waist.   BTW, the water level of 99% area of this place is just about 2-3 feet deep.  Interesting that they swam more than 400 meter away.  If they are afraid of getting adrift, why swim so far away.  Yet, they wouldn't feel embarrassed when occupying some others' area.  Photo 2: noticed that they put on a heeled shoe with 4 inches thick.  Photo 3: they rinsed the towel.


Stella said...

Are they snorkeling?

in the sea said...

Yes, they are.

Stella said...

Thank you for showing this funny way of snorkling.