Sunday, November 15, 2015

A scene of the 60's, at J Resort Kuda Rah

I saw the senior watching the staff moving the rocks to build the shelter.  Those staff are from the housekeeping, kitchen and restaurant.  They aren't supposed to do this job.  Besides, it should be done by a professional company which would employ a boat to build this.  The big wave would just push the rocks away easily the next day.  This is very absurd of the management.  See how bossy of that guy on the left.  


Stella said...

Yes this is a funny scene.
Some staffs are being abused to do other volunteer work which is dangerous to them also to others.

in the sea said...

I could say that their management is really unprofessional in asking their staff to do such a job. No wonder this place can be maintained like that.

Stella said...

Just let them keep it this way, otherwise hotel price may be higher with a professional and more civilized management team.

in the sea said...

Their price isn't cheap either at this level. US$400-800 for various villas.

Stella said...

Har that high?
Is this case they shall not improve as if they do price could be $1,000US per night.
A five-star hotel is Vegas only #200to $400US.

in the sea said...

Yes, and because of that, I'm writing to the group complaining about the "no no no" service which doesn't match what they posted on the website.

Stella said...

Yes you shall complain as the NO NO NO service does not match the high price you paying. It is like a rip off.

in the sea said...

Did that already and also raised that up to the booking website because what's posted didn't match with the real ones.