Monday, January 11, 2010

Laser show, Hong Kong 幻彩詠香江

After Sars devastating the market and the tourist industry in early 2004, HK Government started to do a no. of events to boost up the economy and tourism. The laser show is one of them. At 8pm every night, there will be a 10 minute laser show on the both sides of the harbour. Most of the tall buildings emit some laser beams and with the leon light and spot light running. Every Saturday, there will be an additional fireworks.


thaisclub said...

great show!

but lighting display during King's birthday month in Dusit area (near the Grand Palace) is more attractive :)

in the sea said...

Sorry my camera's video shooting didn't capture more laser light beam and besides when it's compressed into an internet streaming video, it would be another 50% discount. Considering it runs every night, it's quite something for the tourists to have a watch.

Stella said...

So HK is very "ho".
Running this laser show 10 minutes every night is not cheap, plus the Sat firework.
Las Vegas cannot even afford to have this.

in the sea said...

I guess the cost is borne by those big corporates and it's also good for them to promote their corporate images.

Stella said...

Plus you guys have a rich grandpa.