Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Around Xian, China

My Chinese history isn't too good enough but getting to Xian is a very good retrospective lesson of something we have been told before.  There were indeed so many historical things in Chang On.  That's also the starting point of the Silk Road.  Because of that it aroused the West to come to see why there was such a big kingdom in the East.  The "Road" attracted more than visitors - invaders.  So if we take this history lesson well, we shouldn't emit too many signals to the extraterrestrial Universe.  Or the other way round, when the other civilisation knows about human being being too intrusive or being too self-conceited about their intelligence and technology, that would bring a potential end to the entire human being.  That's actually not the so-called "End of the World".  It's just an extinction of a tiny race in the whole Universe.  
Photo 3 is the figure of the renowned Monk Tang (唐三藏) and inside the Pagoda Dai Yan (on the right behind him) there is a temple holding the historical things about him.


SS said...

Your trip photos here are very good Chinese history class and geography class for me thank you Professor Sea.
Papa John in Xian sounds like "Back to the Future".

in the sea said...

It's such a pleasant surprise to me I found Papa John in Xian, but not any other places of China.

SS said...

If they do well in Xian, I think they will go to other places soon.

in the sea said...

I heard from some of my other business associates. They claimed that when they started a business in some places, it's hard to leave, e.g. in a SE Asian country, they would impose some charge or levy or asking back for some benefit given if the business is pulled out.

SS said...

Har really, so only "in" no "out" like the black society,

in the sea said...

They would speak it nicely that it's not fair for the others who don't leave, and that you are breaking the laws for making those others unfair and also an anti-trust issue. This "anti-trust" means "you don't trust them", not against the big trust fund companies.

SS said...

They are really good talkers I am speechless.

in the sea said...

Yes, just one time because there wouldn't be many 3 pigs stories. Once got bitten, never going into the grassland.

SS said...

One time for each victim is good enough for them already.
No wonder China gets financially strong so fast.

in the sea said...

Sorry "that county" wasn't meant to be China as I said "SE Asian country". I believe Papa John is still not yet in that SE Asian country.