Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mr. Turtle's roaming diary - 2,500 km swimming to Natai beach, SW Thailand

Mr. Turtle swam across the Indian Ocean from Maldives, passed the Bengal Bay into Andaman Sea, in a distance of 2,500km.  Finally it reached a beach for the turtles preserved area - Natai Beach.  2,500km isn't a difficult job for Mr. Turtle and yet its biological GPS got him to this beach.  So as a rewarding life, he has to visit this small luxury hotel - Aleenta Phang Nga.
1 to 3: finally landed Aleenta beach.  4/5/6: lounging in the beach and pool.  7: get ready to check-in. 8: gotta be on the highest floor - Sea Pool Residence with 2 bedrooms.  9/10: press 3F.  11/12: here I go - my pool residence.  13/15: Chill in the pool. 


SS said...

These photos are so cute.
Salute to Mr Turtle you have made the long journey.
Hope to greet you soon in person Mr Turtle.

in the sea said...

Thanks obo Mr. Turtle. He would love to meet you too.

SS said...

Wish I were this lucky turtle.