Friday, September 9, 2016

Sarkies restaurant, Heritage Annex, E&O Penang

There are some people who often claim they don't eat at hotel because it doesn't reflect the local cuisine.  I don't agree to it because we should be more receptive to any places.  Besides, hotel outlets should even care about their food quality in addition to their services.  When I think about this part, I think of MO BKK.
This restaurant in the Heritage Annex impressed me a lot with its nostalgic decoration and ambience. The food is awesome and amazingly at a very low price, e.g. a stir fried noodle at just US$6-8.  So taking all the below 3 dishes plus 2 desserts is just only US$30 net.  BTW, taking a meal at the open food stall outside is about US$30-40.  However, the prawn in this hotel is much bigger, fresher and some fine seasoning.  

1 comment:

SS said...

MO-BKK is the best.
Looks like price is very good for this big prawn.