Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Friends in Coco Bodu Hithi Maldives

Photo 1-4: this bird has been around in the resort very often.  Looks like an ambassador for this place.
5/6: there are various big and small sting rays.  Interesting that they have their own territories that I often see them in the same area.
7: another nosey bird.
8: this is a big fish often swimming under the kitchen of Star restaurant.
9: sharks can be seen at quite many areas and they love hunting around the swamp of fishes.
10: This big swamp of fishes (over thousands) usually stay at the other side of the Star restaurant.


Stella said...

Life is so beautiful here.
Hope I can be here one day.
I love sun and sea a lot.

in the sea said...

Then do think about it…. :) We have someone on the chair.

Stella said...

Wow I like sea creatures especially sting ray and shark a lot(as long as it is safe).

Yes, wish I could be here one day with you guys.