Saturday, December 3, 2016

When crossing becomes a tourist spot, Shibuya, Tokyo

When crossing can be a touristic spot, this intersection attracts more than half of pedestrians to cross and have fun and take photos for the half minute traffic light break.  It looks like a party when many people take up their cameras from super professionals, smartphones or any recordable devices.  To me, this scene isn't something new as I grow up in another crowded city.


SS said...

We are always excited to see big crowd with lots of people.
We only can see this in LA during Rose Parade eve on Colorado Blvd.
That is why we have to go to Vegas even now and then in order to see more live human beings.

in the sea said...

I believe the unique part is the various directions of the pedestrians.

SS said...

Yes in fact this is a very good picture taking of you.
Not easy to take a good crowd like this though.